Re: The cost of NSW transport projects is much higher than comparable projects in other Australian states and overseas,

The public service can no longer attract the necessary talent for a project
like this because of the uncompetitive pay rates and the constraints of the
working environment. Nevertheless Sydney Metro (a government agency of
TfNSW) is loaded with talent. Rather than turning to an auditors report
prepared a few years ago just after the first section of metro had opened (*under
budget*), one should turn to more recent information, notably the review of
Sydney Metro commissioned by the Minns government.

Let's look first at how the costs have panned out.

Metro NW (36 km, 8 new and 5 converted stations), was estimated to cost $8
billion in the business case, opened at $7 billion.

Metro West (24 km, 10 stations, may increase to 11) still holding to its
business case estimate of $25 billion, but this will rise due to Minns
delaying procurement and the timeline by two years to make his state
budgets look better.

Sydney Metro City/SW (30 km, 7 new and 11 converted stations) began during
the covid crisis, so suffered the extra costs, procurement issues and
various other delays (including possession issues resulting from industrial
action on the suburban system) flowing on from that. The business case was
$12 billion and that's standing at $20 billion.

Sydney Metro WSA (23 km, 6 stations). This is joint Commonwealth/State
funded and I believe it's standing at its budget of $11 billion.

The Sydney Metro independent Review commissioned by the Minns government
had the following points, among others, to make about the management of the
metro project:

" Sydney Metro is planning and delivering world-class transport projects –
with world-class specifications, and end-to-end customer accessibility
excellence based on long-term capacity forecasts beyond 2056. While there
may be opportunities to relax some select requirements of Sydney Metro West
to potentially improve affordability, this should be considered on both an
immediate value-for-money and more holistic outcomes basis. Several
stakeholders have commented that the specifications of Sydney Metro, given
its current scale within the market, have had a sector-wide outcome of
‘raising the bar’ (especially regarding sustainability, and health &
safety). Relaxations to these standards may be possible (and fiscally
desirable), provided that Government is alert to both direct and indirect
consequences. Extensive Value Engineering has already occurred for Sydney
Metro West as a means of self-managing increasing cost and escalation
pressures, with further work still underway. One of the key remaining
opportunities will be testing whether the assumption of designing for 2056
patronage levels remains appropriate and affordable, including in relation
to future costs associated with subsequent retrofitting/expanding;

In our view, Sydney Metro are likely at a leading standard of Government
experience and capability regarding megaproject delivery. This is not to
suggest or indicate that all challenges will remain within-tolerances or
that no further risks to the Sydney Metro West project will eventuate, but
that this is a highly capable Agency with a robust internal environment of
Board governance, transparency, knowledge sharing, continuous improvement,
and an Executive with significant expertise in project integration – with
regular engagements with national and international peer organisations;

We suggest there are significant opportunities for the NSW Government to
leverage both the skills and oversight functions of the Sydney Metro Board
much more effectively. The Review Panel considers that the Sydney Metro
Board and senior team have the capability, depth, and resourcefulness to
deliver the overall infrastructure program to a very high quality and with
all the necessary governance and probity safeguards that the NSW Government
and community would expect. However, we are concerned that the organisation
is under increasing stress – market volatility and contractual pressures,
alongside an aggressively competitive labour market, with multiple directed
changes to scopes of work, have added continual pressures on the senior

Finally, despite having invested significantly in uplifting infrastructure
market capability in New South Wales (especially for Metro-based projects)
over the past decade, we note that there does not appear to be a specific
and actionable longer-term pipeline in place beyond current projects. The
NSW Government should aim to provide certainty on future extensions as a
priority before potential sector-wide demobilisation begins around 2026.
Having regard to the increased investments in energy-based projects,
FY2025-2026 is considered to represent a critical turning point for
maintaining construction-sector capabilities in transport infrastructure.
Within this context, we have conducted a strategic review of further
investment opportunities and potential timings/phasing and offer a
preliminary view on options for Government’s consideration – in short, we
recommend a clear forward pipeline of staged Metro projects be developed
and progressed within a financially sustainable long-term envelope. There
are multiple additional considerations relevant in this regard to Sydney
Metro’s overall workforce management strategy and retention of skills and

Note: The suggestions for future projects referred to in the last paragraph
has been redacted, presumably because the current government does want to
feel pressured to commit to further projects. However, there is already a
2056 plan outlining several new/extended metro lines, but no prioritisation
for them at this stage. The review is concerned that momentum will be lost
and expertise dispersed if the program of projects is not continued. With a
Labor government currently in NSW, this is a risk, on past record. The
report's authors are highly experienced infrastructure professionals who
worked for Federal and Queensland Labor governments. No doubt they were
chosen by the NSW Labor government in the hope of digging up some dirt on
the Coalition's metro record, but instead it's blown up in the government's
face. No excuses now, but they will fudge and dither like the Carr
government. At least they can't now crabwalk out of the committed current
projects. As for that Herald report above, that issue was picked up in the
review and has been resolved.

For similar reasons, I wouldn't expect to see Parramatta Light Rail any
time soon. It will be dragged out too. Again the current government was
caught in a bind where it was expected they would continue the project in
order to win Parramatta. Not some belated epiphany in which NSW Labor has
gone 180 degrees and suddenly developed a passion for trams.

Tony P
On Friday 19 April 2024 at 11:02:28 UTC+10 Bob Pearce wrote:

> Eons ago, the Govt of the day offered a payout to those who wanted to end

> their working life years before they turned 65.


> Many middle management took the offer and away they went.




> All too soon, people higher up the food chain realised that those who were

> left were formed of basically two groups: Those who didn’t know how, and

> those who needed the information but didn’t have time to get it.


> As a result those who took the redundancy were asked to return on contract

> to do the job they had just been paid to leave, and also teach those left

> behind how to do the job.




> So then those on contract were being paid at a rate much better than they

> received before the redundancy, while those being trained were put into the

> vacant spots so they could do the job at the rate of pay that the

> contractors had previously received.




> Then of course, people were hired to fill those places from which the

> promotions came to fill the places left by those who took redundancy.




> Ain’t the public service marvellous.




> And, I’m sure that the Peter Principle is alive and well. That’s the one

> where people rise to level of their own incomptetance.




> And, I’m almost positive that it is still happening today, in one form or

> another.




> Bob in Perth






> *From:*tramsdo...@... tramsdo...@...> *On

> Behalf Of *Mark Skinner

> *Sent:* Friday, April 19, 2024 8:37 AM

> *To:*tramsdo...@...

> *Subject:* Re: [TramsDownUnder] The cost of NSW transport projects is

> much higher than comparable projects in other Australian states and

> overseas,




> In my humble opinion, much of the problem stems from the "efficiency

> dividends" placed on the public sector.




> That is, politically it looks great to reduce the size of the public

> sector. Further, the politicians mandate that front line contact has to

> remain, such as ambulance, social workers, teachers. That means huge cuts

> in the backroom support.




> It's the backroom support, or lack of it, that's coming back to bite the

> small government people and taxpayers in the backside.




> There are very few people with the skills to administer the projects

> properly. If someone on the front line wants something done, legitimately,

> they ring the contractor to get it done. They neither know, nor care about

> whether the contract is overspent or whether they should get quotes. They

> are on the front line. They have a problem that needs solving. There's a

> contractor available. As far as they are concerned, that's the end of the

> story. I have a few friends in SA who know this is a big problem here too.




> It's bad enough where people just want to get a job done honestly, and

> don't care about riffling paperwork. However, the potential for abuse is

> unlimited. So, one can only assume that there's rampant corruption as well.




> Let's then add the "efficiency dividend" the stripping of planning and

> technical expertise.




> A perfect storm of uninformed buyers, opportunities for corruption, no

> oversight. The downsizing of the public sector is now costing way more than

> the salaries saved.




> I'm mildly pleased that the Auditor General has only found this much.




> Mark Skinner




> On Thu, 18 Apr 2024, 8:41 pm Greg Sutherland, gregsut...@...>

> wrote:


> Why is the cost of major transport projects such as METRO and Light Rail

> so much higher in NSW than in other Australia states and overseas?




> It is well known that the cost of NSW transport projects is much higher

> than comparable projects in other Australian states and overseas,


> But “Why is it so?”


> Do we need a full and frank Auditor General’s report?


> Should the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (email at

>ic...@...) investigate?




> Here is some interesting reading:


> *Auditor General’s Report 11 June 2020*


> “CBD South East Sydney Light Rail follow-up performance audit”




> Conclusion


> *“Transport for NSW has not consistently and accurately updated CSLER

> project costs, limiting the transparency of reporting to the public. In

> line with the NSW Government Benefits Realisation Management Framework,

> TfNSW intends to measure benefits after the project is completed and has

> not updated the expected project benefits since April 2015.*”





> Sydney Metro has 42 ‘contracts of concern’. One jumped in value 2811%





> An internal Sydney Metro investigation found widespread risks of “fraud

> and corruption” within the agency, including deals with private companies

> that increased by more than 10 times their original value, undisclosed

> conflicts of interest and multimillion-dollar payments made to third

> parties with no record of why.


> In September, Sydney Metro’s fraud and corruption unit handed the agency

> the results of an investigation it had carried out into 42 “contracts of

> concern”. It followed a series of internal Metro probes into its governance

> that raised concerns about the agency’s use of public funds and prompted a

> crackdown on the use of private contractors by the Minns government.




> An internal Sydney Metro investigation uncovered a litany of issues

> regarding the use of public money by the multibillion-dollar agency.*Credit:

> Rhett Wyman*


> The internal investigation outlines a string of defects in the awarding of

> tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer funds, including cases in which

> professional service contractors employed by Metro had failed to declare a

> financial interest in companies that had won work with the agency.


> The document, obtained by *The* *Sydney Morning Herald* via a

> parliamentary order, also details how concern about the use of those

> professional service contractors had found their way to Sydney Metro chief

> executive Peter Regan as early as August 2021.


> It found the agency failed to follow internal sign-off protocols when

> approving significant increases in the value of contracts, including one

> deal analysed by the anti-corruption unit in which a contract originally

> valued at $3.2 million inflated to $21.3 million without proper

> authorisation.


> It also found that Metro regularly gave “insufficient value for money”

> justifications when approving “substantial” variations in contracts, and

> failed to adequately document reasons for approving and extending 18 of the

> deals it examined.


> One example cited by the internal probe noted that a contract with a

> private company originally worth $276,000 was varied to more than $8

> million, an increase of about 2800 per cent, without documentation

> explaining the change.


> The internal probe also uncovered what it described as “inappropriate

> procurement practices” with some contracts awarded to private firms,

> including agreements “varied to over 10 times the original contract value”.

> Four of those contracts were “single sourced”, it said, meaning a

> competitive tender had not been undertaken. Those contracts each had

> significant increases over time; one from an initial value of $107,400 to

> $1.4 million over seven years. Another increased from $2.5 million to $13.2

> million.


> “Allowing single-sourced contracts to be substantially varied to a higher

> value provides avenues for corrupt conduct or potential maladministration,”

> the investigation stated.


> It added “less scrutiny is anecdotally afforded” to assessing

> single-sourced contracts, and raised concerns that a “lower value” might be

> given to a contract in some cases to circumvent competitive tenders.


> “The contract can then be varied, and the competitive process can be more

> easily avoided,” the investigation stated.


> Sydney Metro chief executive Peter Regan and Transport Minister Jo Haylen

> last year.*Credit: Wolter Peeters*


> The internal investigation did not make specific findings over the

> contracts, but was “intended to identify opportunities for system

> improvements”. While many of the contracts it examined had been “secured

> some time ago”, it said it would investigate any suspected fraud or

> corruption separately.


> The previously unreported details of Metro’s record-keeping follow separate

> revelations by this masthead

> into the use of

> private contractors at the multibillion-dollar agency. In some cases,

> senior managers were allowed to run private companies that recruited

> contractors to the agency on salaries well over $500,000.


> The *Herald* has also detailed how a separate internal probe into

> allegations of “conflicts of interest and … corrupt conduct”

> by senior executives

> at the agency had been referred to the Independent Commission Against

> Corruption.


> The September investigation detailed 10 cases in which employees engaged

> as professional service contractors at Metro did not disclose they were

> shareholders or directors of companies engaged by the agency on contracts

> worth as much as $7 million.


> While it did not suggest those individuals were responsible for hiring

> staff through their own companies, it found that the failure to disclose

> the conflicts created the “potential for inappropriate benefits to

> individuals or supplies with mutual personal interests”.


> It also found a “potential for unauthorised access” to tender documents by

> “personnel who will influence decision-making in favour of a supplier of

> interest”.


> The investigation reveals concerns about the use of professional service

> contractors within Metro date back to at least March 2021, when a

> previously unreported internal investigation code-named Aoede was

> commissioned. At the same time, an internal audit also raised “further

> concerns” over the use of private contractors which were elevated to Regan

> in August 2021, the document states.


> Greens MP Cate Faehrmann, who secured the release of the document through

> parliament, said it was proof that “senior management at Sydney Metro have

> known about this rorting for years,including that it was breaching

> multiple codes and protocols”.


> “Who at Sydney Metro decided that the rules which apply to all public

> servants don’t apply to them? How far back does this culture of

> non-compliance and making personal gain from public money go?” she said.


> “With multiple metro projects underway in Sydney and billions of dollars

> still to spend, the minister needs to do more to assure herself that

> measures are now in place that prevent this type of behaviour.”


> In a statement, a spokeswoman for Sydney Metro said all recommendations

> from the September review had been adopted, and noted that since it was

> released the agency had banned employees from acting as directors of

> professional services contractor companies.


> The spokeswoman noted that decision had followed a review ordered by

> Transport Minister Jo Haylen in November last year to assess Metro’s use of

> private contractors. The review also led to changes that lowered the value

> at which contracts needed the chief executive’s sign-off.


> “The independent legal adviser was satisfied that an appropriate level of

> care is given by Sydney Metro into the scope of investigations regarding

> Professional Services Contractor allegations and complaints,” the

> spokeswoman said.





> Sydney Metro farms out jobs worth $2000 a day





> Sydney Metro is allowing senior managers to run private companies that

> recruit contractors to the agency on salaries well over $500,000 a year as

> the state government searches for ways to rein in cost blowouts on rail

> mega-projects.


> A *Herald* investigation has found scores of contracts to hire staff for

> Sydney Metro on more than $2000 per day. These and many other Metro

> contracts are conducted under “limited” tender conditions


> where the agency approaches a supplier or suppliers directly for services.


> Permitting companies whose directors are senior managers at Sydney Metro

> to provide staff known as “professional services contractors” raises a

> potential conflict of interest due to their access to commercially

> sensitive information and fails the “pub test”, experts claim.


> The two senior Sydney Metro managers’ companies have won $20 million worth

> of contracts in total since 2021, tender documents show.


> They are among more than half a dozen companies whose directors worked in

> senior roles at Sydney Metro and have been awarded contracts to provide

> staff.


> A small company founded by Sydney Metro utilities director Paul Rogers in

> 2014 – a year before he started working on Metro projects – has won $13.3

> million worth of work since August 2021 to provide staff with pay rates

> ranging from about $280 to $390 an hour


> Six “professional services contractors” hired through Rogers’ Pro

> Consultants reported directly to him at Sydney Metro’s interface division,

> which is overseeing the $25 billion Metro West

> and $11 billion

> Metro Western Sydney Airport

> rail lines.


> Sydney Metro interface management director Barry McGrattan is also the

> managing director of Bellgrove Advisory, which has won $6.6 million worth

> of work to provide about 10 staff for the agency.


> Rogers and McGrattan had no involvement in Sydney Metro’s decision to

> award contracts to those companies or setting the salaries for those roles,

> and they played no part in the project’s cost blowouts. The *Herald* does

> not suggest any wrongdoing on the part of Rogers and McGrattan.


> One of those hires, James Hayward, is Sydney Metro’s interface management

> acting director, contracted on more than $600,000 a year, almost as much as

> the agency’s chief executive. He is the partner of Amanda Hayward,

> publisher of the bestseller *Fifty Shades of Grey. *The *Herald* also

> does not suggest any wrongdoing on the part of Hayward.




> The construction site for the Parramatta metro station.*Credit: Wolter

> Peeters*


> Quizzed about the arrangements concerning Rogers, McGrattan and Hayward

> during a NSW upper house inquiry into the government’s use of consultants,

> Sydney Metro chief finance and commercial officer Fiona Trussell said

> contractors and professional service providers were not in decision-making

> roles and did not have any delegated authority.


> “They all report ultimately into government employees so their ability to

> hire and recruit people is not an authority that they have,” she said.

> “Those decision-making authorities sit with government employees within our

> delegation.”


> The NSW Auditor-General raised concerns in a March report


> about government agencies hiring consultants, citing concerns about the way

> spending on contractors is reported publicly and how agencies engage in

> contracts with them.


> The rules that require most agencies to estimate the value of a contract –

> including any potential extensions and renewals – do not apply to Sydney

> Metro.


> The cost of the Metro City and Southwest rail line between Chatswood and

> Bankstown via the CBD is almost double the original forecast at about

> $21.6 billion.

> Premier Chris Minns has also cast doubt

> on the future of the

> Metro West line

> under construction between the CBD and Parramatta.




> Rogers and McGrattan did not respond to questions about potential

> conflicts of interest or how much their companies earn from contracts to

> provide staff. Hayward also did not respond to questions.


> Sources close to Sydney Metro who spoke on the condition of anonymity

> because they are unauthorised to discuss the project with the media said

> companies providing staff to the agency can earn between 7.5 per and 12 per

> cent of the hourly rate of a contract’s value.


> Critical accounting academic professor John Dumay said fees to provide

> contractors of about 10 to 12 per cent of the contract value was “about

> right”.


> Dumay, who ran his own consultancy business and worked as a management

> consultant before moving to academia, said Sydney Metro allowing managers

> to bid via private companies to provide contracted staff did not pass the

> “pub test”.


> “When you bring in these labour hire companies and/or consultants, we

> ultimately lose transparency because there’s no legal obligation for any of

> these companies to disclose anything publicly,” he said.


> Centre for Public Integrity director Geoffrey Watson, SC, said Sydney

> Metro managers whose private companies were bidding for work from the

> agency might have access to information other bidders didn’t.


> “I’m astonished that this would be allowed,” he said.


> “It is just a minefield of ethical concerns in so far as there are

> obviously potential conflicts of interest. [They] aren’t measured by the

> outcome – they are measured by the potential.”


> Former NSW auditor-general Tony Harris said the private companies of

> senior managers at Sydney Metro winning contracts with the agency raises

> potential conflict of interest issues. “It is so obviously not on that it

> doesn’t require much thought,” he said.


> A spokeswoman for Transport Minister Jo Haylen said “procurement and

> delivery models for Sydney Metro overseen by the previous Liberal

> government” had caused cost overruns on metro projects.


> “The engagement of contractors should be a short-term solution. The

> government is concerned about the long-term use of contractors, especially

> if they are being used for longer engagements better suited to public

> sector roles,” the spokesperson said.


> Sydney Metro did not answer specific questions about why it allows senior

> managers to use their own companies to tender for contracts, how many

> professional services contractors it uses, their cost, or if it has

> investigated these arrangements, but said “the procurement of contractors

> and consultants was wholly managed by government employees”.


> “Contractors have no authority (decision-making rights) to approve the

> engagement of other contractors or variations/extensions to contractors,”

> it said.


> “Due to the size and complexity of our projects, there will always be a

> need for specialist input and contractors to supplement our workforce,

> including on a part-time basis.”


> The agency said it required all consultants to complete a “statement of

> interests and associations” declaring professional and personal interests.

> They manage conflict of interest risk through governance structures and

> take appropriate action when required.


> One contract


> for “project management services for Sydney Metro West” worth $639,540 runs

> for 12 months from May this year and was evaluated by the “tenderer’s

> candidate’s availability, capacity and capability”.


> Another tender


> worth $1,288,320 over two years and three months for “project management

> services” was judged on the tenderer’s “candidate and price”.


> Greens treasury spokeswoman Abigail Boyd said when key management roles

> were outsourced to consultants, who then benefit from critical information

> that they could use to win more work, potential conflicts of interest arise.


> “Once you allow consultants to be embedded into a government agency, they

> become extraordinarily difficult to extract. The agency becomes so reliant

> on the individual that it drives up that individual’s bargaining powers,”

> Boyd, a former UBS investment banker, said.




> Construction of Barangaroo Metro.*Credit: Rhett Wyman*


> Sydney Metro is charged with delivering the country’s largest public

> transport project.*Credit: NSW government*


> Sydney Metro interface management director Barry McGrattan (left) and

> utilities director Paul Rogers.*Credit: *


> Paul Rogers with his team from Pro Consultants.*Credit: LinkedIn*


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