NEWS: thanks news posters
  Roderick B Smith

I haven't offered my monthly thanks for a while; I have been
travelling overseas.
Nevertheless: thanks news posters (all/both of you).
A young 20s posted a few months ago that he doesn't post news here,
because he feels crowded out by nostalgia. There is certainly plenty
of room for news. Such posts are undoubtedly valued by all, even if
people don't resend the whole post just to say 'thanks for posting

One problem of being a news editor: conflicting reports.
On Sunday I was assured that the YT plan for use of former North
Fitzroy Depot for the City Circle fleet is completely dead. Ventura
has just signed for a 10 year renewal of its lease, and is adamant
that there is no room for YT. The track space is needed as an
employee carpark.
On Tuesday (today) I received a report that the overhead on the entry
fan has been removed, and old poles replaced with new ones, as part
of the plan to reconfigure the fan for the use of City Circle trams.
There will be two curves, to & from the south.
The reactivation will be temporary, perhaps only a year, pending the
expansion of Southbank Depot onto other former railway land which is
available without nimby objections.
The price YT will pay: a bus shuttle for Ventura employees from a
carpark elsewhere. I had suggested using either the original Preston
Depot or Coburg Depot sites, disposed of by a DoI/DoT incapable of
forward vision.

Roderick B Smith
Rail News Victoria Editor