RE: Re: Canberra- CAF
  Bob Pearce

Gday Mal,
What is the patronage like?
I have read that the opposition – if elected – are going to stop the extensions.

I wonder if the pax levels justify the system, or its expansion?

Bob in Perth

From:tramsdownunder@... tramsdownunder@...> On Behalf Of Malcolm Rowe
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2024 2:50 PM
To: TramsDownUnder tramsdownunder@...>
Subject: [TramsDownUnder] Re: Canberra- CAF

I am impressed.

Canberra seems to me to encapsulate everything that a light rail system should be.

The service is fast and smooth with priority at traffic lights and complete track segregation. Even when the track swings over to the side of the road for depot access it is under traffic light control with priority.

There was no sign of rough ride or wheel squeal on curves. It seems that fixed truck trams can work if the track geometry is designed for them.
Speed and acceleration was good - with the trams running just below the local speed limits of either 60 or 70 km/h as measured with my mobile phone app.

Here are a couple of pics - both in Flemington Rd. The overhead structure is not overdone. Ignore the apparent sharp curves - that's due to me using a telephoto lens.

Mal Rowe - who has a bit more respect for CAF design in the right setting.

On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 10:19 PM Malcolm Rowe mal.rowe@... mailto:[email protected] > wrote:
Today's pic shows CAF 14 at the Civic terminus in Canberra.
I'm planning to have a ride tomorrow.

Mal Rowe - AU

Mal Rowe - AU