Re: Melbourne 667 in 1959, Now Dick Kerr
  Mal Rowe

On 12/02/2024 22:36, Steven Altham wrote:
> How many W2s had dick kerr controllers was it only 439 ?????


There were over 60 Ws fitted with the EE controllers.

They were inferior to the GE K35s and gradually replaced with either K35 or RC type controllers.

Here's a pic of one on display at Bylands.

You can read about the choice of controllers for the W class trams - among other things - in the December issue of Bellcord - available for free download at:

Mal Rowe - whose tram driving experience is rather limited

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Dick-Kerr Bylands 29Jan2012  |  692W x 1050H  | 123.16 KB |  Photo details