Fwd: John Gilmour deceased
  Mal Rowe

Paul Nicholson has passed on some sad news:

I understand John Gilmour passed away yesterday. Cancer.

Apparently, he had been sick (cancer) for some time so you’re probably aware since he was a regular attendee at the grubs’ pub and later the TDU gatherings.

I reckon he would have been in his mid, perhaps, late 70s. He was a regular overseas traveller in the 1980s and 1990s and was very interested in Austrian trolleybus systems.

Before retirement he worked at Hearn’s Hobbies. He was married to Lee Rogers who was once the wife of Tony Carson – a District Inspector with our beloved MMTB.

Lee also worked on the trams – in the 1980s certainly and perhaps a few years on either side.

John was also good mates with Graham Bennett who drove MMTB buses and maybe trams.


Thanks Paul, sorry to hear that.

I have attached a pic of John made at one of the TDU dinner occasions and also a copy of his MMTB employee card which I was able to get a copy of for him.

Mal Rowe - who will raise a glass to John tonight at the Mail Exchange

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JohnGilmour DukeOfKent  |  763W x 875H  | 110.09 KB |  Photo details
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Gilmour.J EmployeeCard  |  1457W x 1000H  | 164.33 KB |  Photo details