Re: Tram Gunzelling & nfo
  Matthew Geier

On 20/5/20 4:29 pm,pn1@... wrote:


> We do need to keep recording everyday operations of the trams in Melbourne. Easier said than done in these unexpected and unforeseen times..


Get out and record and note everything. And make that information public on the Internet. Future historians will have to use our unofficial records as official records will be non existent, having been immediately disposed of when the contract was over.

Don't expect nice official records of overhaul dates and withdrawal dates - as they will simply be all deleted. I suspect only bare minimum of financial transactions as required by law will be kept.

Of course future tram historians will have to then sift through all sorts of doubtful records trying to sort the real from the optimistic from the downright fake and deliberately incorrect but all published online equally.

 Remember how many people were convinced that Sydney's 24s freight car had no motors ?. The car is now operational. One of the motors is currently faulty, but the car is still capable of moving under it's own power. And the motors were not 'new' ones fitted as part of it's recent refurbishment. It always had them.