Overhead design [Was: Newcastle tramway video]
  Mal Rowe

On 12/02/2019 08:19, 'Richard Youl' via TramsDownUnder wrote:
> ...  governments and promoters grab the next best thing, namely railway-trained engineers and of course they can’t see anything beyond their blinkered massive railway standards.


It may be as simple as what suppliers the contractors have chosen to use and what catalogues they have in the office.

As the attached pic shows, overhead does not need to be obtrusive.

If the crossarms and hangers were finished in black like the poles, the overhead would be almost invisible ... and this with a telephoto view.

Mal Rowe in the GTCOTS where knowledge has not been lost

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6049-857 Docklands 8Oct2018  |  1650W x 1018H  | 601.08 KB |  Photo details