ALL PLEASE READ: Odd e-mails on TDU
  Mal Rowe

Dean Ogle has sent through some advice on the 'odd messages'.

Thanks Dean.

-------- Forwarded Message --------

What it is, Mal, is that someone on the list has their outbound e-mail set to ask recipients to acknowledge that they have seen an e-mail.

Rather like a registered letter in the post – it’s asking that the recipient sign for it.

Something you would do to make sure that a really important e-mail was received.

That’s bad enough – one should never be asking that all their outbound e-mails be acknowledged.

The problem is also with the recipients.

Most e-mail programs have a user-controlled setting that comes into play when this type of e-mail is received.

This setting usually has three options: always send the receipt, never send the receipt, or ask which to do.

It appears that some list members have this set to “always send the receipt”.

So, an e-mail arrives, asking that its receipt be acknowledged.

The e-mail program sees this, checks itself to see what to do, finds itself set to “always acknowledge”, and happily does so.

Since the e-mail came from TDU@yahoo, that’s where the acknowledgement goes, and we all get it.

Another possibility is that someone’s e-mail is set to “always ask what to do”. (Which is the best choice – there may be times one does want to acknowledge receiving an e-mail.)

In that case, a dialog box will pop up: “Joe Bloggs has asked that you acknowledge having read this e-mail. Do you want to do so? Yes / No “

If YES is clicked, the acknowledgement goes not to Joe, but to the entire list.

Three-part solution required:

1 – members please check and ensure your outbound e-mails are not set to ask for acknowledgement

2 – members please check and ensure your e-mail program is not set to automatically acknowledge such requests.

3 – if your e-mail is set to ask you what to do (and it should be), you should almost always click NO to messages from the list.


*So, if you look at the TDU archive and see that ther is apparently a message from YOU with a subject line starting with "Read:" then please adjust your automatic reply settings as explained above.*

