Re: Re: Parra LR.

There are seven bus routes serving Roselands, each at typically 30 minute, no worse than 60 minute headways. A tram or train would never cover this spread:

Although the progress to low floor buses has been minimal in Australia, most are now at least low-entry (part low floor), which means you can walk on and off with a pram or shopping trolley with completely level access.

Top Ryde is even more intensely served by a network of buses. Trams are better at inter-regional connections in this context.

Tony P

---InTramsDownUnder@..., <matthew@...> wrote :

On 20/02/17 12:37, Tony Galloway arg@... mailto:arg@... [TramsDownUnder] wrote:
> My grandmother loved the Top Ryde shopping mall, which I think was the
> first in Sydney, and anyone who was alive in Sydney in 1965 couldn’t
> forget the torrent of gushing hype that announced the opening of the
> Roselands mall, almost entirely car dependent as it's difficult to reach
> by public transport.
Depends on definition of difficult. As a child my Grandmother would
often take me to Roselands in the school holidays - by bus from Campsie.
(I can't remember if it was train + bus or just bus).
I'd then get a ride on the roof top garden railway.
route to Tempe depot.