First public Hitachi (Vic.)
  Roderick Smith

The first set, 1M-901T-902T-2M, had made various test runs, and a
demonstration run to Pakenham for officials and ARHS guests.
Its first public run was on the 10.00 down St Kilda on Sun.24.12.72, and I
was aboard.
Enclosed: just two photos.
One shows an interior, featuring hard-pad vandal-resistant seats, and hose
clean ribbed-rubber flooring. They were surprisingly noisy inside. On the
positive side: luggage racks, and lots of handgrips.
For TDU, this counts as a 'then', and one which has had lots of 'now' photos
posted. It also has George Hotel as a backdrop.
In the interior, I don't recognise anyone; they must have been general
In the platform photo, I recognise two of the three, which offers a hint at
the third.
At the time of introduction, the trains were known as 'Silver' trains.
They didn't become known as Hitachis until later, probably with the advent
of the 'Super silver' trains, a name which didn't stick (Comeng soon became
the label).

Roderick B Smith
Rail News Victoria Editor

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721224Su-FE14-StKilda-firstpublicHitachi-RSmith-s  |  800W x 570H  | 346.4 KB |  Photo details
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721224Su-FE12-HitachiM-interior-RSmith-s  |  561W x 800H  | 361.98 KB |  Photo details