RE: Re: Scouts celebrate 100 years with a tram
  Kevin Sewell

I went through Scouts at 2nd Chatswood whose foundation was 1912. Another
train fanatic to come out of 2nd Chatswood (although a couple of years ahead
of me) was the well known railway photographer and pen-man Larry Zanker.
After finishing Scouts I went back there for 5 of my 26 years as Scout
Leader. All of which has bugger all to do with trams.

<Boer War hero Major-General Robert Baden-Powell wrote a series of
<articles 'Scouting for boys' for a boys-own newspaper, covering a
<range of bushcraft and survival skills. The enthusiasm for these led
<to him conducting a camp for boys at Brownsea Island, in Aug.1907.
<This is regarded as the start of the movement.
<In Australia (IIRC) the first scout troop was contemporary, in 1907.
<It was for boys who had been following the series of articles; it
<became 1st Camberwell (with a hall just off the route 70 Wattle Park
<The group of my youth, 1st Surrey Hills, claimed to be the next
<oldest in Victoria. We were very disgruntled to be relegated to 5th
<Camberwell in district naming, as we were older than 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
<Meetings were held in the undercroft of the bandstand rotunda in
<Surrey Gardens. Camping involved loading the gear into a trek cart,
<and heading to Wattle Park.
<There was an incident in the 1920s or 30s when a hiking group from a
<troop (not mine) got lost on a bushwalk in Ashburton forest: hard to
<believe today.
<Roderick B Smith
<Rail News Victoria Editor
<--- InTramsDownUnder@..., Mal Rowe <brill21e@...> wrote:
<> In Melbourne this morning Scouts marched up Bourke St to celebrate
<> years of Scouting...accompanied by decorated car 179.
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