Bob Pearce

Hi all,

I am sure that Peter will tolerate a bus item where it is directly relevant
to trams - either replacement permanently or bustitution where works are in
I own and drive buses and have always been interested in them from that
point of view especially vintage buses etc.
However the thread that started the chat about buses moved from MMTB buses
which was a relevant thread as they were run by the same mob who ran the
trams, (and I did like the photos of the Leyland half cabs - very fine
looking vehicles they were as well) to buses with crank handles, to buses in
England etc etc and by the time PE stepped in, had gone so far away from the
original thread as to be not funny.
I am a member of bus groups where they talk about buses and on the odd
occasion, where relevant, trolleybuses and trams. But for some reason the
threads don't veer wide of the original discussion like they tend to do
sometimes on this group.
I am not sure whether the veering away is an Aussie thing or not, but like
Mal, I don't really want to sift through umpteen emails to find the ones
that interest me.
As the oracle himself says - want to talk about anything other than trams
where not in context, then do it on the relevant chat group, and try not to
clog this one up with very TAN or OT emails.

just my thoughts is all.

Bob in Perth