Re: STA S cars

At 06:18 AM 10/12/2005, you wrote:
>I would think the "S" could stand for "Stadtbahn" the german word for




I have been wondering why these new trams need to have a class
designation at all?? The system will have only 16 "cars" of only two
different types, with completely dissimilar numbers. No doubt the
jargon will be "the old" and "the new" trams to distinguish them.

I can understand the use of letters to distinguish the various types
of trams. What does surprise me is that most of the Australian tram
operators that also had bus fleets, did not chose to similarly
classify the buses. Sydney for example now has probably more
variations in bus types than it ever had in the trams, but relies
more on knick-names to identify them.

Getting back to Adelaide, can anyone explain why was 381 classified
"H1" when it was of totally different appearance to the Hs, and there
were plenty of letters left to use?
