New storage shed and renewed workshops open at Bendigo
  Mal Rowe

Today marked the official opening of the new tram storage shed at Bendigo and the refurbished workshops.

The event was attended by the Premier of Victoria (and local member for Bendigo) Jacinta Allan and other local leaders plus the CEO of VicTrack who supported most of the work.

The shed will house trams set aside for future heritage or other use and the second pictures shows a group of trams recently moved to Bendigo from Newport.

Mal Rpwe - pleased to be there to congratulate all involved.

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Dignitaries Bendigo 24May2024  |  1754W x 1050H  | 274.44 KB |  Photo details
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Interior Bendigo-shed 24May2024  |  1754W x 946H  | 375.4 KB |  Photo details