RE: Re: Up to 4000 new homes at risk: The knock-on effect of Rozelle interchange chaos
  Geoff Olsen

Face the facts people, Australians are basically lazy.

Drive to the gym and tell you how health conscious they are.

Drive to the local coffee shop and tell you how concerned they are about climate change.

I used public transport for just short of 15 years when working for the Herald at Broadway. Used to cop some rubbishing for it but got my own back when the car drivers were whinging about parking fines. It was very hard to find an all day spot around there so duck out and move the car was the order of the day. PT was cheaper anyway.

I enjoy waiting for my local bus and counting the number of single occupant cars that pass me. Yes, I drive sometimes when what I have to carry is too large to carry onto public transport. Mind you as an apprentice I was regaled with stories from more mature tradesmen (No girls back then more is the pity) of carrying ladders, bundles of conduit, cable, tools etc. on trams. You had to be really nice to the connie. The off side footboard was the place for extension ladders and conduit (lean out the door and hold on to the load) and the rear cab for cable and tools. “The good old days.”

Geoff O.

From:tramsdownunder@... [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of TP
Sent: Tuesday, 2 April 2024 2:45 PM
To: TramsDownUnder
Subject: Re: [TramsDownUnder] Re: Up to 4000 new homes at risk: The knock-on effect of Rozelle interchange chaos

That region is rich in public transport Bob. The problem is the same as in Perth. No matter how good you make the public transport, too many people still want to drive.

Tony P