Re: Mural in Sydney Rd (and now, one in Toorak Rd, Hartwell)
  Jeremy Wainwright

On a brief visit to Melbourne in July, I resigned myself, on account of dreary weather, to a day of car-riding, with little or no photographic ambition. Approaching the railway bridge at Hartwell on my way out to Vermont South, I made the mental note to try for a tram + train shot there some time when conditions were more favourable. Then I saw the mural! Fearing its removal or defacement before I would get another opportunity, I resolved to get the shot, 'weather or no', on my return from the terminus. Taking a leaf out of the late lamented Yuri's book, I set my camera on continuous and, 2 Up cars and 1 Down car (and 56 exposures) later, I managed this shot showing a distinctively NSW-style steam loco in the company of B2.2014. Waiting for the next Up car to take me back toward the city, I dropped my guard and missed out on an 'unbombed' shot of that car below a passing train. Moral: no matter how tired, etc., you are, keep your camera at the ready when you're 'at work'.


From:tramsdownunder@... tramsdownunder@...> on behalf of Mal Rowe mal.rowe@...>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 November 2023 12:53 AM
To: TramsDownUnder tramsdownunder@...>
Subject: [TramsDownUnder] Mural in Sydney Rd

I have posted a pic of the mural in Sydney Rd opposite the Merri Bek
city hall before, but this view - from the Council building - gives a
better view.

A W and a kangaroo - does that make it too iconic?

Mal Rowe - proud denizen of the Peoples Republic of Merri Bek

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