Mal Rowe

Here's a pic of the 1C with the dished bolster.

It's from Ron Scholten's collection of MMTB Official photos.

Mal Rowe - guessing the MMTB decided to save money by doing their own "low floor truck"

On 07/11/2023 14:29, Kevin Taig wrote:

> Hi Mal & All,


> In my processing of MMTB Tramcar Drawings, I came across a could-a-been 77E ‘Car.


> The original drawing (Sketch) of the Y class car was for a “50 foot” car supported by  Brill 77E trucks.


> It is only pencil on tracing paper, so it probably didn’t get past the proposal stage.


> The Y ended up  with  MMTB # 1C which had modified bolsters to the 1A & 1B models.


> Regards


> Kevin



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MMTB1C 26.5in AR Y469  |  1850W x 885H  | 393.03 KB |