Fwd: Trolleywire Down
  Malcolm Rowe


In the early days of TDU - perhaps 20 years back - one of our
correspondents outlined the standard procedures in Glasgow if a driver came
across live trolleywire down.
I can't find the post, but (from memory) it went something like this:

"If driver sees a trolley wire down he should take the rubber gloves out
of the box in the tram cab, grasp the trolleywire and touch it three times
to the rails"

(Note the consideration of automatic re-close!)

The correspondent had the original rules document from an older relative
and said that he could vouch for it being real.
He also had a certificate of appreciation presented to the forebear
congratulating him on his observance of the rules and awarding him a reward
of one shilling ... and a new uniform to replace the one ruined by flying
bits of molten copper.

Mal Rowe - who did his Elec Eng training on live switchboards with open
circuit breakers