Re: Re: Australian public transport fleet sizes
  Mal Rowe

On 06/02/2023 11:01, TP wrote:
> Come on Melbournians, 'fess up. How many trams do you have? (Potemkin trams now allowed.)


The official Yarra Trams figures are on their website at:

As you will see, they claim 520 at the top of the page.

If you add up the numbers by class it comes to 526.

There are now only 101 Z3s in service - not 114 as listed.  9 of them are recent withdrawals of non-refurbished Z3s which have gone to Newport.

For those interested in detail, the Z3s at Newport are: 133, 120, 136, 137, 138, 144, 190, 197 and 208.

So choose your answer, but I would go for around 510.

Mal Rowe -

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Z3s Newport 24Oct2022  |  1652W x 1050H  | 564.04 KB |  Photo details