Anzac - Domain - the context
  Mal Rowe

I guess that people not familiar with Melbourne will miss much of the significance of the story about Anzac Station / Domain interchange - so here's a map - based on the MMTB 1956 public timetable map.

The purple ellipse is the site of Anzac station.

The green line is the 'new' tramway built in 2017 in Toorak Rd West, by-passing the old tramway in Domain Rd and Park St South Yarra so that the Melbourne Metro works could be done.

The orange line shows another new tramway to be built in Park St, South Melbourne next year - to allow trams from St Kilda Rd to access Clarendon St and Spencer St to the city.

Mal Rowe - who accepts no responsibility for the City Fathers' over use of street names like Park and High

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