  Mal Rowe

Today's pics were made in Victoria St, West Melbourne.

The pic featuring Z3 class leader 116 and near end of the run 228 features the huge St Mary Star of the Sea church in the background.  It was built when the cable trams were new and dwarfed them.

The pic made a few seconds later shows 228 utterly dwarfed by the recent high rise developments mostly approved by former planning minister and current leader of the opposition in Victoria, Matthew Guy.

Mal Rowe - who prizes the height limit in Melbourne's Golden Mile'

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116-228 VictoriaSt 26Oct2021  |  1526W x 1050H  | 487.51 KB |  Photo details
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228 VictoriaSt 26Oct2021  |  842W x 1050H  | 340.76 KB |  Photo details