Re: Reduced frequency on L1

The services have been reduced to reduce the number of drivers/staff required to operate them.

Apparently a lot of them live in affected areas, and there is a perceived risk of transmission within the operating environments.

Most services are being operated on a "Sunday timetable" but in a lot of areas Sunday frequencies are not much less than weekday off peak. A few extra services have been added in peak hours where there is a perceived need. School services are being operated in some areas, but not others.
Brian, on the L3 with similar irregularities to the L1.

On Sunday, 25 July 2021, 4:16:29 pm AEST, Dale Budd dale.budd@...> wrote:


Since the start of the pandemic Sydney had been following a similar policy of maintaining full services, on the basis that this would enable social distancing on board vehicles.

Not any more. Nearly all services are being reduced; see

Dale Budd

-----Original Message-----
From:tramsdownunder@... [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Mal Rowe
Sent: Sunday, 25 July 2021 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [TramsDownUnder] Reduced frequency on L1

On 25/07/2021 15:09, Tony Galloway wrote:
> I waited for half an hour at Dulwich Grove for an inbound, with no outbounds passing. Then an inbound and outbound arrived almost simultaneously, so the inbound car I was catching must have sat at Dulwich Hill terminus for about a half hour at least for some reason. Very few passengers in either direction.

Has the frequency of services been reduced due to the lockdown?

During the long Melbourne lockdown last year nearly all regular services
were maintained - and some even had increased frequency.

The idea was to minimise crowding on PT.  In fact it was mostly not
necessary - during our long lockdown I managed to be 100% of the loading
on several occasions.

The issue that arose from regular services on uncongested roads was that
it was hard to not get ahead of the timetable!

See: for one example of trams bunched at a
terminus which I observed.

Mal Rowe - wishing Sydney-siders well