Re: A Winter's Day in the GTCOTS

Well now that you mention it. <g>.

Always pleased to see images of our tram system, seeing that my visits to
Melbourne are severely curtailed in fact. Other than a few visits to Public
Records in North Melbourne by car, I haven't walked the city streets
(specifically Elizabeth St) since December 2019. So Yuri your images -
even those of plastic caterpillars - are very welcome. Not entirely tram
deprived though as to and from North Melbourne I see the 59s and 57s

On Tue, 27 Jul 2021 at 11:35, Yuri Sos trams4me@...> wrote:

> Now I know you've all been clamouring to know why there were Toorak- and

> West Coburg-bound trams in Victoria Street yesterday.




cheers and best wishes,
David in,
[Before you change anything, learn why it is the way it is.]