Re: Re: St Kilda Rd track relay - coming soon
  Mal Rowe

On 19/06/2021 16:56, Bill Johnson wrote:
> I've probably got a chip on my shoulder (a big one) but I had urged the third track for years -- as in 30 with a succession of Transport Ministers only one of whom replied and thought it posssibly a good idea. I forget when TDU began but the suggestion didn't go well at first but later on shortly before it actually happened there was a degree of support.

There are two pieces of third track near the Arts Centre.  The one in my pic is the 'escape track' mainly used to dump defective trams until after the peak.

The other (which I think is what you refer to) separates route 1 trams turning into Southbank Bvd from the rest of the St Kilda Rd trams - so they don't miss a traffic light cycle.

In the attached pic, 2115 is using that track.

Yes - a good suggestion on your part .... eventually implemented, but probably with someone else taking credit!

This second one is not in too bad condition - so I will be interested to see if it is replaced.

Re Geoffrey's question - don't know about changes but I assume they will be minor.  Better curves to the points would be a good start.

Mal Rowe - armchair expert

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