Tram testing and Christmas combined

In the Finnish city of Tampere a new tram system has been constructed and
is in the process of testing prior to opening this year. The operator took
the opportunity to dress up one of the new Skoda trams as a Christmas tram
and parade it through the city with a complete crew of Santa Clauses and,
apparently, the sound system for the gong programmed with a little
Christmas music.

If the mechanical platform for the tram looks a little familiar (apart from
being the same class as trams that Skoda has supplied and is supplying to a
number of cities across Europe), this is because it's essentially the same
as for the Melbourne E. In this case it's 37 metres long and can be built
as 45 metres (four modules), hence the potential space for extra doors that
you can see - Tampere having opted for few doors in this case. Some
information on the Tampere tramway is here:

I would say that this longer tram would be a good idea for Melbourne except
that there may be a few kinematic envelope issues!

Tony P