Re: Brisbane close train spacing video.
  Anthony Dudley Horscroft

Must have recruited some very old NSW Singal Engineers who were used to this at Wynwayd and Town hall!



On 10/09/2020 7:36 pm, 'Richard Youl' via TramsDownUnder wrote:
> Simon Clark Has sent me this short video of trains getting rather close at Brisbane Central Station. In fact one of the last trains seen was stopped only a few carriage lengths behind a train already in the station.


> While the close spacings are impressive, the reason for them, explained in the video, is not at all impressive.


> More information about the movements is explained in texts in the video but timing is a bit short so to read them in full, you may wish to pause the video while you read.


> Incidentally, nearly all the trains in the video are the new NGRs which were built in India.





> Regards,



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