Re: W 251 with a trailer
  Mal Rowe

On 07/06/2019 20:29, Ronald Besdansky wrote:
> Courtesy Melbourne Tram Museum


Thanks Ron,

I agree with Greg - the running board is not folded up, although the
early Ws did have hinged running boards.

The 'trailer' looks to me to be no more than a flat top works trolley as
used in track work.  What looks like some sort of box is probably the
fence in the background.

251 entered traffic in mid 1924, and there is a picture in an old
Destination City showing a motley collection of works trailers in use in
Royal Park in 1925.

I'm trying to work out the location of the pic, but can't place it.

Mal Rowe - witness to a fold up step in use - see: