Re: 1990 Tram Dispute
  Richard Youl

The dispute itself was disgusting enough and five weeks without trams did absolutely nothing to save conductors. Thanks Louie for throwing away our pay for five weeks.

As for the Electrical Trades Union, if I wrote what I thought of those mongrels the moderator would immediately start vetting everything I wrote to TDU, if you know what I mean. From memory, ETU pettiness included blackmailing the government into giving each one of them some particular type of watch before they would start doing the job they were paid to do.

I don’t think it ended up being all that long before normal services resumed, but the ETU did insist on inspecting every inch of overhead wire before trams could run on it again even though they could’ve been doing this during the dispute instead of sitting around on their fat bottoms and doing nothing for all that time (or more likely not even coming to work but still getting paid).

In essence, I think normal services more or less resumed on each line one by one after the ETU had examined it minutely.


On 17 Mar 2019, at 12:17 am, gareth martin gandjmartin101@...> wrote:

I just put up a news bulletin from 1990 regarding the Tram Conductors dispute /Lockout of 1990


