Re: Royal Tram 2018 style
  Malcolm Rowe

More than a wash.
2088 was the first B2 to come out of the Tram Life Extension program run by Downer at East Preston.

Mal Rowe

From:tramsdownunder@... on behalf of espee8800 espee8800@...>
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2018 10:15 pm
To: tramsdownunder
Subject: [TramsDownUnder] Royal Tram 2018 style

Looked like a B clas to me but then a doorway isn't much. Wasn't an E class though. I assume someone here does know what they travekked in and perhaps even a photo of a specially washed tram.

cheers and best wishes,
David in
{Before you change anything, learn why it is the way it is.)

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