Re: Bustitution on the North Coburg line next weekend
  Mal Rowe

On 17/07/2018 10:55 AM, Mal Rowe wrote:

> Works are about putting in a platform stop where the wide Royal Parade becomes narrow Sydney Rd.  The current stop (pictured) is a little 'bushland idyl'.

That pic is in the TDU archives at:

Today's pic shows the completed platform stop, looking south from Brunswick Rd.

I must say that the 'cattle races' resulting from fencing access to the stop from both road and tram traffic often lead to passenger congestion (and frustration).

Just around the corner from this location is an old cable tram power house (aka engine house).  A portion has been retained as a tramway substation and the fine brickwork is still visible - as you can see in the attached pic.

The substantial wooden post at the near corner of the building is quite likely to date from the time of the Melbourne Tramway & Omnibus Co.

Mal Rowe - covering a bit over 120 years of history

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PlatformStop SydneyRd-at-BrunswickRd 4Aug2018  |  1575W x 1050H  | 498.61 KB |  Photo details
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Substation SarahSands 4Aug2018  |  1637W x 1050H  | 680.87 KB |  Photo details