Re: Through The Windscreen
  Matthew Geier

On Fri, 3 Aug 2018 15:37:20 +1000, Mal Rowemal.rowe@...
[TramsDownUnder] wrote:
>> Notice that the Americans know that the route number display should be

>> on the side that passengers board from - and have gone to

>> considerable effort to swap the route number box position on 496.


And a problem that could have been 'fixed in a jiffy' if they just got
their hands on the software that generated the dot patterns for the
displays. I never understood why it was 'so hard' to fix. On the scale
of things that need to be altered / customised for a new customer,
changing the side the route number appears on the destination screen has
to be one of the easier/simpler ones.

Unlike changing the side the route number box is on a W class. That
required some work.