Today's works around Brunswick Depot
  Mal Rowe

This (long) weekend in Melbourne sees intensive work to replace and repair tracks that give access to Brunswick Depot.

I have attached a Yarra Trams map showing the areas affected as "Stage 1".

It comes from:

The junction of Moreland Rd and Sydney Rd is 'half a grand union' with double track curves allowing turns from the depot - heading east from the depot - in both directions in Sydney Rd as well as continuing straight along Moreland Rd.

As I have mentioned before, this junction has been much patched and today's work is another patch.

This time the facing points for trams running out from the depot are being replaced.

The second pic shows that.

The Moreland Hotel in the background is on the SE corner of the junction.

Although most of the work is confined to the west side of Sydney Rd, a couple of hundred metres of double track are being renewed in Morland Rd to the east of Sydney Rd.

This will allow access to the carpark of this popular 'pokie joint' to be re-opened on Tuesday, when the second stage further east in Moreland Rd will be in progress.

Third pic on this post looks west along Moreland Rd towards the railway line and the tracks leading to the depot (via Cameron St).

The opportunity is being taked to ease the curves (wider radius) by bring them closer to the kerb at the corner.

This should make the Bigbinos a litte less stressed.

Mal Rowe - who will post part 2 shortly.

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Sydney-MorelandRd 10Jun2018-map  |  500W x 305H  | 36.72 KB |  
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Junction MorelandRd-SydneyRd 10Jun2018  |  1650W x 1005H  | 528.88 KB |  Photo details
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MorelandRd-CameronSt 10Jun2018  |  1650W x 1066H  | 503.09 KB |  Photo details