Urban research anyone?
  Mal Rowe

The TDU group has a diverse range of interests - all related to trams but going into different aspects.

Some of us (including me) enjoy discussing trams as part of urban planning.

If you are someone who does enjoy this, you may enjoy reading the bi-monthly magazine published by RMIT's Centre for Urban Research.

It's freely available for downloading at: https://tinyurl.com/y7cw37mg

Articles in the current include:

* Melbourne needs two more metros to get demand on track, experts warn
* New report settles the score on Perth’s liveability
* ‘Sky Rail’ and the re-making of Melbourne’s suburban railways

There is even an article for another group of TDUers:

* Dry Zones and other Temperance Hangovers

Many of the articles include links to research papers and data.

There's a link to get on the mailing list on page 2 of the magazine.

Mal Rowe - enjoying policy discussion independent of developer funding