Re: The No Place place
  Mal Rowe

On 14/05/2018 9:58 PM, 'Richard Youl' via TramsDownUnder wrote:
> What a foolish decision to include Docklands in the free fare zone.


My guess is that this decision was driven by the shopkeepers and other service providers in the area who are desperate to get people to visit.

The development is a modern business oriented slum, with the possible exception of the old Victoria Dock - but it is just the backyard to the football stadium.

I attach another pic showing a street frontage a little further west along Collins St that is hardly what one would expect in a people friendly environment.
It looks more like a high security prison than a street scene!
The major cause of this poor design was  state government decision to overide City of Melbourne planning authority.
That has now been handed back, but the damage is done.

Mal Rowe - disappointed with a city sacrificed to developers.

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288 CollinsSt Docklands 14May2018  |  1575W x 1050H  | 581.79 KB |  Photo details