Fish Market [Was: Who knows!]
  Mal Rowe

On 14/01/2018 10:41 PM, 'Kevin Taig'ktaig@... [TramsDownUnder] wrote:

> The building in Dean’s email is not the fish market. It is the Government Cool Stores.

> The Fish market was in Spencer St on the other side (southern) of the railway viaduct with connections to the Yarra pre Spencer St Bridge C1929.

> All these buildings had suspect foundations being built on Yarra silt and were pulled down prior to the Melbourne Olympics.


Here's a pic showing both buildings, from the SLV as usual.

I'm pretty sure that in practice the buildings in Flinders St were commonly (but incorrectly) referred to as the Fish Market.

Mal Rowe - in a city where 'The Haymarket' is still referred to by tramways staff, depite being replaced by the dental hospital in the 1950s - which was in turn replaced with the comprehensice cancer centre in the noughties.

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FlindersSt-viaduct 1917 SLV  |  1650W x 1040H  | 808.15 KB |