Re: The Australian Tramway Album - Richardson - available on line

Great find Mal. Like many books of the time, it suffers from date-of-publication shyness, probably a method to ensure that books don't become identifiably out-of-date quickly. From various bits of information in it, it seems to have been published about 1950.

Tony P
---InTramsDownUnder@..., <mal.rowe@...> wrote :

One of the earliest Aussie enthusiast tram books was The Australian
Tramway Album, edited by Jack Richardson and Jack Stranger.

It's now available for download from the SLV at:

Don't expect super high quality pics. It's mainly of interest as a book
published when most of the systems covered were still operating.

Mal Rowe - noting that then as now the 'scoop picture' comes from Noel Reed!