CESLR George Street
  Matthew Geier

Some shots from yesterday.

The lights for the Christmas decorations are powered by diesel generator
sets, a practice that really really annoys me. There is mains
electricity EVERYWHERE, yet it's too hard to tap in, call in a diesel
gen set and leave them running 24hrs a day.

Included is a posed shot of myself showing what NOT to do once the APS
system is active :-)

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MG CESLR George Street, near King, APS rail  |  1024W x 768H  | 192.88 KB |  Photo details
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MG CESLR George Street, near King  |  1024W x 768H  | 206.28 KB |  Photo details
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MG CESLR George Street - Matthew on APS rail  |  1024W x 768H  | 207.07 KB |  Photo details