Re: Perth - the Washington car

Has something happened to TDU. I haven't seen a new post for days now.

Cheers and thanks,

Ron Stux (in So FLA, missing news about Melbourne)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mal Rowemal.rowe@... [TramsDownUnder] TramsDownUnder@...>
To: TramsDownUnder TramsDownUnder@...>
Sent: Sun, Nov 19, 2017 7:17 pm
Subject: [TramsDownUnder] Perth - the Washington car [1 Attachment]

By the time Noel Reed visited Perth in 1952, car 62, the 'Washington
car' was out of service and on the scrap road.

Only the two experimental imports (62 and 63) were centre entrance.

Perth and Hobart were the only Australian capital cities not to adopt
centre entrance trams; both tried experimental versions.

For Hobart, see:

Of course, Australia was out of step here with most of the world, where
centre entrance trams were pretty rare.

Mal Rowe - noting that the high bumpers on 62 and 63 were probably the
reasons for bumper extensions on the rest of the fleet.