Re: Re: Elgin St centre platform stop
  Tony Galloway

On first ride I had on an Urbos 3 (2112) on the IWLR last year, the driver opened the left side doors at Lilyfield, the only stop with a centre off side platform.

I haven’t seen it happen since.

Tony G

On 17 Mar 2015, at 6:27 am,prescottt@... [TramsDownUnder] TramsDownUnder@...> wrote:

> No, anecdotal evidence only. It's a wrongdoing by the driver and witnessed only by passengers, so obviously it's not going to be internally reported! Yarra Trams is aware of it because it was raised as an issue with offside platforms in a paper for a conference at Sydney University about 10 years ago. Presumably they've been over-ridden by the road authorities.



> It's far from being the only issue with centre-island platforms and only a very minor one in a statistical sense, but it's a safety issue.


> Tony P


> ---InTramsDownUnder@..., <jg62430@...> wrote :


> Tony,

> Do you have any data on the frequency of wrong-side openings relative to the number of door openings?


> Alex C

