Re: Yarra Trams filming and photography guidelines: July 2014
  Matthew Geier

On 10/08/14 06:42,pn1@... [TramsDownUnder] wrote:


> Quite by chance I came across the recently (July 014) issued Yarra

> Trams filing and photography guidelines:




> Whilst one would expect or anticipate the guidelines are aimed at

> commercial filming and photography, I did not see anything in the

> guidelines to confirm that. Taken on face value, the guidelines would

> seem to put an end to tram photography by enthusiasts and tourists.

> How would such guidelines be enforced?

Most transport concerns have such guidelines these days. The only
problems are over zealous 'security contractors' generally.

If they don't have such guide lines they have people doing model shoots
and filming adverts on public services causing disruption, etc, etc but
no income for the operator...

In most cases these were never intended to be aimed at the causal
photographer. I would expect the rule they apply is 'do you expect to
make money from selling the results of this activity'. If yes, they want
their cut!