RE: Re: GCLR testing - Crossing High St 10.10.13

They should have the trill bells that they have in Czech Republic here. Gongs are useless in this day and age but the trills are pretty attention-grabbing.

Tony P

---InTramsDownUnder@..., tramsdownunder@...> wrote:


Next time I am near the line I will see if there is any apparent logic in the pole numbering system. I still have to work out where Up is and where Down is.

The exterior illumination of the trams is not that marvellous, but the headlights which were being used yesterday (daytime) were visible at a great distance. The night shots posted by another source and myself last week would be a clue to what other lights there are. However I thought the opportunity would have been taken to put some worthwhile temporary destination on display. Anything would be better than black.

Something else which is not being done and which I as a driver would be doing is using the gong and any other warning device copiously in relevant locations, such as crossing High St which carries a very high volume of road traffic. There is not much point having such warnings if nobody knows what they sound like. Some TV commercials (not that I would be likely to see them) publicising such sounds could be worthwhile now that running has commenced.



On 11/10/2013, at 10:33 AM, Ted Gay wrote:
Richard, Do you know what the numbering on the poles represents?


SLR poles are numbered by kilometres/metres from a zero point near Central Station, with a code for Left/right/centre, which escapes me at the moment.


From: Richard YOUL <tressteleg@... mailto:tressteleg@...>;
Sent: Thursday, 10 October 2013 5:46 PM
Subject: [TramsDownUnder] GCLR testing - Crossing High St 10.10.13 [1 Attachment]

I wanted a decent tram shot here so hastened to the centre of the road for this view at the same location. Note it is still tram '003'. I had wanted to get more photos of the tram along the line, but even though I got to my car quickly after taking the second view in Queen St, I never got near it again. With parking difficult in Southport proper, I opted to park near here and get it on the way back. It was not at the terminus terribly long, but did change ends and reversed back, possibly to test the crossover in the opposite direction. Looking at this, it appears there is a second escort vehicle behind the tram. Regards,

<5 Across High St 10.10.13.jpg>