Re: D2.5020 (Vic., from Jeff)
  jeffrey bounds

Traffic congestion stopped me following the tram.That is the second time,that I have photographed a B2 ON route 72.
--- On Sun, 3/2/13, Roderick Smith rodsmith@...> wrote:

From: Roderick Smith rodsmith@...>
Subject: [TramsDownUnder] D2.5020 (Vic., from Jeff)
To:transportdownunder@..., "''" tramsdownunder@...>
Received: Sunday, 3 February, 2013, 9:25 AM

Malvern Rd, Tooronga (Melbourne, Vic.): D2.5020 outbound on route 72
Camberwell, shortened to route 72a Gardiner.  Sat.6.10.12.  (Jeff Bounds)

There must be a story behind this.  AFAIK Malvern Depot has only one D2, and
the type isn't allowed over the railway level-crossing at Gardiner.
Was this a day with work at the crossing, and so the D2 could be put on the
Had it arrived on the route by accident, and so had to be short worked?

Roderick B Smith
Rail News Victoria Editor