Re: Clearing out Preston [Was: Preserving the Z1/Z2 class]
  jeffrey bounds

Nos 568 & 650 were still at Preston Workshops on Wednesday.
Re Z class disposals/Somme of the better condition Z class trams may have to remain in traffic a/.c rising passenger numbers.

--- On Fri, 25/1/13, malrowe mal.rowe@...> wrote:

From: malrowe mal.rowe@...>
Subject: [TramsDownUnder] Clearing out Preston [Was: Preserving the Z1/Z2 class]
Received: Friday, 25 January, 2013, 8:07 AM

--- InTramsDownUnder@..., "bredgens"  wrote:

> Nevermind. I missed the one message in this thread that answered this question. So I'll ask another question instead: why was it disposed of?

11W has belonged to Sydney Tram Museum for about 10 years and has been stored at Preston because STM didn't have anywhere under cover to store it.

The work to re-develop Preston Workshops into a 'super depot' to provide the extra tramcar stabliung required with the introduction of the new E class trams is about to commence, so PWS is being cleared out.  If each E replaces one Z1, you need about twice the length of depot track.

I expect that all the other older trams at Preston including the 3 de-commissioned restaurant cars and the privately owned heritage trams that were stored at North Fitzroy will also be removed.  One of the W2's seems to have gone already, but its trucks are still sitting on the outside tracks at PWS.

Hawthorn 32 has gone back to Bendigo. 
VR 53 is still at Preston - it is supposed to go to Hawthorn, but there's no room there.

I don't know where 11W is actually going and if I did I wouldn't publish that on a public forum like this because security of storage is a key issue for any museum.

Mal Rowe