Re: Why not multiple units like the NSW O's, P's & SA H's?
  Matthew Geier

On 05/08/12 08:48, Mal Rowe wrote:

> Hi Richard,


> The pic is one of mine.


> In fact, it shows a C2 and they are not prone to the same problems as

> the C1 - perhaps the 5 section version is more inherently stable or

> perhaps the Citadis engineers worked out some improved damping mechanisms.


The later Citadis have far more refined suspension and articulation
dampers than the early model C1s. But the only reason the C2's don't wag
isn't because they are inherently more stable, it's the better dampers
on the articulations.

And it's not just trams that 'waggle', Sydney's new articulated buses
have all been speed limited to 50km/hr as above that speed the bus
starts to get excessive tail wag. The fancy 'active' damping system doesn't.