RE: Darling Street tunnel
  Bob Pearce

G'day all,

What happened to the track once unearthed?

Was it recovered, or dug up?

If dug up, where did it go?


Bob in Perth

From:TramsDownUnder@... [mailto:[email protected]]
On Behalf Of Mal Rowe
Sent: Saturday, 27 November 2010 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: [TramsDownUnder] Darling Street tunnel

On 27/11/2010 8:21 PM, Noel Reed wrote:

People in Melbourne may know whether similar inspection covers were used on
their former cable tramways. They may have become evident during street
excavations along former cable lines.

Yes indeed - one at every pulley.

Here's a pic of a cover ( a bit covered in dirt!) on the Abbotsford St line
un-earthed in 2007.
On 'pull curves' the pulleys and covers were much more closely spaced.

Mal Rowe - in the city which once had the biggest cable tram system in the
world under one management