Re: Re: Generator trams - Washington and Casino-Murwillumbah

At 08:41 PM 15/10/2009, you wrote:

> Over the border now into Queensland, and a look at the fine work that QR did to build a new Gold Coast Railway. Now we are not far off seeing the completion of its third extension. A fourth one to Collangatta Airport is needed, then a fifth one into NSW all the way to Casino. Sadly, atleast in the next 5 or so years, that last idea wont happen. What we will find is the RTA building embankments over it where they see fit, like has happened between Tenterfield and Wallangarra. Dual guaging of the Gold Coast Railway makes about as much sence as your Toowoomba Ranges rack-and-pinion idea! Realy Dudley! You call yourself a Transit Consultant, yes? If your ideas are going to set the standards for the future of railways and tramways in this country, then is the views of this bus driver, we are all doomed!

I don't think that the NSW Government will condone QR coming over the border! IF it does, it may well take a different alignment along the coast where the population is, to Byron Bay and terminate there.

I think with your dual gauging, you are getting confused with a proposal to dual gauge part of the existing standard gauge route into Brisbane. There has been much ribbon development down towards Bromelton and there are proposals to either dual gauge, or lay a 1067nn line adjacent within the railway corridor. Shades of the Beaudesert Tramway!