Sydney Rd Moreland Rd this weekend
  Mal Rowe

The junction at the corner of Sydney Rd and Moreland rd is being patched
this weekend - so the intersection is closed to all.

A couple of pics of the work attached.

The closure means that Brunswick depot is isolated, so trams are parked
in Sydney Rd. - another pic.

Mal Rowe - local

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Sydney-MorelandRd 18Nov2017  |  1575W x 1050H  | 610.33 KB |  Photo details
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Sydney-MorelandRd-rail-replace 18Nov2017  |  1650W x 979H  | 483.69 KB |  Photo details
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2104 SydneyRd 18Nov2017  |  1575W x 1050H  | 497.46 KB |  Photo details