Re: RE: Sydney Light Rail (CSELR)

To be fair, we once did have to pay to read the newspaper, then came the internet and we could read them for free (for a while). They do have to make a living somehow, the alternative being that terrible pop-up advertising and the like. I see that The Guardian, that wonderful record of serialised fiction, has registered itself as a charity in the USA to help with its desperate quest for funds!

The SMH and Telegraph have been Constance's handmaidens in constant denigration of the CSELR project.

For Tony: ;)

Tony P
---InTramsDownUnder@..., <matthew@...> wrote :

On 19/10/17 10:02, 'Brian' bblunt@... mailto:bblunt@... [TramsDownUnder] wrote:
> I used to be able to "cut and paste" headlines from pay-walled Telegraph
> articles directly into the search engine. But recently they have started
> to somehow put the articles in as "images" and I can't do it anymore.
> But I still get through with manual transcription.
It's an arms race. The newspapers want to be found by google search, but
they don't want google users pilfering their paid content, so various
tricks are used to get the hit, but not give away the content.