Re: GCLR2 Photos today
  Richard Youl

These newer signs have been around for some weeks but not reported before.

Without taking note especially, I think the whole line has been done including when in centre and side reservation. I'm certain they are in Queen St with its centre reservation.

As tram speed limits are irrelevant to all but tram drivers, using standard road signs for trams, as others have said, would surely be counterproductive. Clearly a decision to install them was made by somebody totally lacking in commonsense.


> On 19 Sep 2017, at 5:09 pm, Matthew Geiermatthew@... [TramsDownUnder] TramsDownUnder@...> wrote:




>> On 19 September 2017 at 09:01, Richard Youltressteleg@... [TramsDownUnder] TramsDownUnder@...> wrote:


>> Photo 4 at the Griffith University stop shows a few things. Firstly, the two trams passing here indicates that both are exactly on time. The previous tram on which I arrived here from Southport crossed the southbound tram a few hundred metres further away, having just changed drivers at the depot.. It also shows new speed limit signs erected along the line.


>> There used to be yellow signs with black writing giving the tram speed limits but it looks like some Health and Safety idiot, keen to prove that they were actually justifying their jobs, came up with these. The old yellow signs would mean nothing to motorists while these clearly are standard road speed signs.




> My guess is some one pointed out they were not 'Australian Standard' compliant road signs and they had to be changed to ones that were. Will get fun when they stick one of these out where the track runs parallel to a road.


