Re: Sydenham to Bankstown redevelopment study: developers could add 25,000 more homes
  Tony Galloway

Yeah, the NSW ALP isn’t worth a pinch of shit either, but this mob are the most corrupt pack of carpetbaggers since Askin.

As for the Niemoller ripoff, it may not be in the best of taste but hey :

And times have changed since Mike Godwin came up with his law :

Tony G

> On 16 Sep 2017, at 1:17 pm,prescottt@... [TramsDownUnder] TramsDownUnder@...> wrote:


> I would add that this process in the public service started by Greiner continued unabated throughout the subsequent Labor governments and then through into the present government. None of these governments - whatever political side - has made an effort to restore it back to the independent, professional entity it once was, presumably because it's too convenient for politicians for it to continue the way it is. You didn't need to watch the news to see if a new government was elected; you could tell when a new departmental head with sidekicks arrived, all of whom miraculously happened to be Old Mates of the government of the day and some of whom equally miraculously later ended up in parliament (or in a bank or lobby group).



> By the way, I don't like that hijacking (below) of Niemoller's famous quote, which was about mass murder and genocide, real suffering, to highlight the slight inconveniences suffered by some highly-paid career public servants whose lives were certainly not under threat nor even barely inconvenienced. I know it didn't come from you, I've seen it before, but I think it's odious and completely disrepectful of whoever created it to appropriate the original in such a way. But in the age of the internet, unfortunately we're increasingly exposed to such idiocy nowadays.


> Tony P


> ---InTramsDownUnder@..., <arg@...> wrote :


> Indeed - the NSW bureaucracy these days is not only a bottomless shithole of incompetence, but also totally permeated with corruption :


> Top water bureaucrat Gavin Hanlon resigns after corruption allegations


> But what else would you expect when you have a “new state of business” perpetrated by a party with corruption as core ideology ?





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